Friday, May 15, 2009

The Steam Room

After four full days of driving, we arrived at Breitenbush Hot Springs in Oregon. More about the epic drive to Breitenbush and about Breitenbush itself in posts to come, but first: The steam room.

At Breitenbush there is a wooden steam room that sits above a natural hot water source. It is filled with hot steam 24 hours a day. I can't say enough about this steam room. We were at Breitenbush for only about 36 hours, including two nights of sleep and five meals. I think we easily spent 4 or 5 hours--a significant portion of our waking time-- in this steam room. I couldn't get enough if it.

Inside there are three benches along three of the walls. It is extremely hot in there, particularly in the back corner, where the heat is generating from. And it is full of steam. By day light streams through the small windows and through a knot in the wood of the ceiling. At night it is dark inside. Inside there is a hose attached to a faucet of cold water. You can spray yourself with cold water to cool off. The cold water feels so good after you've heated up in there. The contrast is too much sometimes. It makes you laugh. We laughed a lot in there.

Breitenbush is worth visiting for the steam room alone. It's a special room.
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