Sunday, May 10, 2009

Land Changes

Yesterday we passed the flat lands of ND and the more interesting, breathtaking terrain of Montana started. It was interesting to see the evolution of rolling hills turning into canyons and mountains. The Painted Canyon in ND was's erroding at a few inches a year. Get to ND while it lasts! Sadly, when that is gone, it will ALL be flat and flatter.

I've been enjoying all the signs along the way, names of places...
Rivers: Bighorn, Powder, Tongue, Maple, Ottertail
Towns: South Heart, Beach, Circle, Spiritwood
Billboards: SMILE (X2), Farmers Feed the World

The sky has been much big sky. Flat bottomed boat clouds made of gray cotton candy, and whales swimming in the endless ocean of sky and possibilities. Great for making cloud shapes, which is a favorite past-time of Alan's and mine.

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