Thursday, May 28, 2009

South Dakota

We spent the day on the Needles Hwy and hiking around Sylvan Lake. When I was a kid, I spent a few summers in Custer, SD with my family. I have great memories of these places, so it was especially cool to revisit them now. They are just as cool as I remember, although the lake seemed smaller (I was smaller).
Just like when I was 8, I fed the wild donkeys a carrot. I remember driving the wildlife loop as a kid and they would stick their heads right in your car for food. I saw a woman feeding them frosted mini wheats, which the donkey probably prefers to carrots. But doesn't really seem a natural part of a donkey diet.
This nest was on the edge of Lake Sylvan, actually nestled in the grass on the ground. Unusual place for a nest.
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