Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sock Dilema

Yesterday we stopped at Walmart in Miles City Montana where every bar is a casino...they've even converted a KFC into a bar/casino called the Gold Dust. We had to pick up a few essentials at Walmart that we had failed to pack. Somehow we ended up in the sock aisle...Alan claims that the socks he brought are annoying him (they are sliding off his heel) and he wants to try this other kind. So, hilariously, he bought 6 more pairs of socks. Maybe he felt unprepared without his 2 pairs/day!? (he asked me to repack his bag which started with 25 pairs of socks).

To be fair, he was wearing the tiny anklet socks, you know the cute ones that don't show above the shoe? They are annoying. We'll make sock puppets with them.

Anyway, he's back in sock action.

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