Friday, May 22, 2009

Casa Rothman

One of the great joys of our visit to Seattle is the chance for me to reconnect with one of my oldest, closest friends, Andrew (AC) Rothman. We had the good fortune to be able to stop by the Rothman's new house the day they got the keys. They've been looking for a while and are thrilled with the new place. It was great to connect with Andy, Michelle, Ben, Will, and Harry. It brought back memories of long ago days with three other Rothman boys back in New Jersey. Maybe Ben, Will, and Harry will make less trouble than Brian, Andy, and Mitch. Somehow I doubt it.

Here's the new pad from the street.

The Rothmans live in the Magnolia section of Seattle. This is the view from just a block away from Andy's. Mt. Rainier rising majestically in the distance.
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