Sunday, May 17, 2009

Brilliant Sunshine in the Pacific Northwest

On Wednesday, as we drove from Breitenbush to Portland it was pouring rain. So much so that on the way to Portland, when we passed an outlet mall, we got off of the highway and purchased new rain jackets. We were so happy with our new rain jackets. We thought we were all prepared for the rain that we would surely be walking around in all week.

Well, practically since the moment we bought our new rain jackets there has been nothing but brilliant, abundant sunshine.

Believe me, we're not complaining. It's been gorgeous here -- flowers are blooming everywhere we walk, the skies are clear and the nearby mountains are visible and breathtaking.

Of course, we feel like it's painting a little bit of a false picture. We know it's not like this all the time. But it does make for a great stay in Portland and Seattle so far. And it looks to continue on into the week.

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