Sunday, May 31, 2009


We drove the wildlife loop just outside of Custer and saw a few animals. These antelop were abundant and there were a few giant buffalo.
Just off the wildlife loop is a dome house I spent a few summers at, as a kid. A family friend owned the property and my parents ran an elderhostel (like summer camp for old people) for 6 weeks. My dad drove the big van everywhere and my mom made all the meals. They were very busy and didn't get paid much for it, but it was a cool experience. My sister and I got to know the area around Custer really well. I went to Mount Rushmore about 20 times. I love Sylvan Lake the best. So, Alan and I drove to all the places I remembered, we even visited the dome house which now belongs to someone else. It was all closed up, must be a second home. It smelled just the same. The sage, the pine, the cedar...The whole day I felt like I was 8 again. It was fun.
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